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Salvia Divinorum: The Divine Mint
by Scott
Have you ever heard of a plant that will work with you on your level, at your speed, firm at times, gentle at others?
Such a plant--Salvia divinorum--a member of the Lamiaceae family, has been used by the indigenous people of
Oaxaca, Mexico for the last several hundred years. The plant was traditionally used by chewing up to 60 leaves for about 15-30 minutes. The act of chewing, breakdown of the plant tissue, saliva and contact with the inner mouth caused the user to experience visions, and have out of body experiences.
Today’s consciousness explorers have found that the leaves of Salvia divinorum may be smoked in a water-pipe to achieve somewhat the same effect instantly. The leaf may be further extracted using denatured alcohol—available at any hardware store providing the searcher with a means of safely and instantly having a strong, out-of-body experience.
This experience can be heightened by smoking the extract while using other entheogens such as Heimia
salicifolia, mushrooms, or Banisteriopsis caapi. According to researchers, the experience can be summed up thusly:
Smoking pure leaf - While lying down, with eyes closed in a dark room, user can achieve meditative state with slight visuals. If lights are turned on and user stands up, reality pops back.
Smoking extract from leaf - While lying down, with eyes closed or open, user experiences the Salvia "twist" on their skin, visions of past experiences, and possibly out-of-body experiences.
Smoking extract along with caapi - While lying down or sitting up, with eyes closed or open, user experiences the Salvia "twist" on their skin, visions of past experiences, and possibly out-of-body experiences.
Smoking extract along with strong hallucinogen such as mushrooms or mescaline - With eyes closed or open, user instantly experiences the Salvia "twist" on their skin, visions of past experiences, and out-of-body experiences; fear and panic may set in if not careful, as the user may not recall having ever smoking anything, and may be unprepared for the intensity of the experience.
Smoking SalvinorinA - With eyes closed or open, user instantly experiences the Salvia "twist" on their skin, visions of past experiences, and out-of-body experiences; fear and panic may set in if not careful, as the user may not recall having ever smoking anything, and may be unprepared for the intensity of the experience.
How has this strong plant entheogen escaped the wrath of the legal forces of Khan? People react differently to Salvia, and not everyone is even affected at all. Except for
SalvinorinA--which affects everyone strongly--and which is not readily available for most people, some people just do not feel anything worth getting excited about when they have tried Salvia. Some have to use it multiple times before they make a bond with the Salvia. And there have been no deaths from Salvia divinorum in any form. The type of experience that comes from smoking Salvia extracts is not likely to be an experience that many users would find to be "entertaining." It is a very strong experience that ranks up there with
DMT, LSD and 5-MEO-DMT in intensity, and it should be used only by those individuals that are looking to find out about their own Gods and Goddesses, Demons and Angels.
Salvia Divinorum Cultivation Tips
While some folks seem to have problems growing Salvia divinorum, I’ve found that misting twice a day, keeping the soil moist and fertilizing her regularly using standard Miracle Grow seems to keep her happy. Although some people have indicated that Miracid is better suited for Salvia d., I have found that standard Miracle Grow seems to work much better. Organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion makes the leaves grow extremely dark, excessively curled, twisted and deformed, so until someone shows me an organic that she likes I'd stick with Miracle Grow.
Humidity has to be over 60% or the Salvia will start getting brown/black areas on the leaves. If your climate isn’t that humid, perhaps a humidity tent will keep them happy and healthy. Those of you that live in Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Hawaii or California my be able to get away with gardening in the open, without a tent. Salvia likes partial sun, no more than 3 hours of direct sunlight a day is best. Salvia that is exposed to too much sunlight gets very yellow, and the leaves fall off eventually, causing the plant to wither and die. A healthy Salvia plant needs plenty of root room--although the plant will grow while root-bound, it thrives with breathing room for its roots.
Pruning should be done regularly after it reaches two feet tall, giving you lots of leaves to play with and/or stem cuttings to grow more Salvia. By cutting the tops of the leaves about 3 inches from the top, stripping off most of the large leaves, and placing the cutting in water, within a couple weeks you’ll have new Salvia cuttings.
Flowering usually takes place in the fall, however I’ve seen Salvia flower almost continually. The flowers have a sweet smell, but do not seem to be any more potent than other parts of the plant.
Insects are not usually a problem with Salvia, but always be well aware of your plants. Look closely under the leaves for spider mites, one of Salvia's most persistant enemies. The use of soap/oil insecticides seem to do well at eradicating this pest, although some of the leaves may be burnt in the process. Keeping the plants constantly moist seems to ward the mites off, and insect controls such as predatory mites can be used effectively against such pests. Aphids, scales and thrips are also munchers that should be watched for, although they are usually less of a problem than spider mites.
The Salvia can be a wonderful ally, if used wisely and with purpose. Frivalous use of Salvia will ensure that it joins the long list of illegal plants and substances. By growing and getting to know Salvia, you are protecting the wonderful plant from extinction, growing a potent entheogenic substance, cleaning our air, ensuring yourself an unadultered source of Salvia leaf, making a new friend, and contributing to our pool of knowledge. Good luck in your quest. Say hi to her for me!
1. 100g pack of Salvia will give you several 100
2. Salvia Divinorum is legal to use and own in all
3. Salvia Divinorum will keep its hallucinogenic
properties for decades if kept in an airtight container.
4. A 100g pack of Salvia Divinorum looks like this
5. Our Salvia is grown and packaged in Mexico and
will reach you in optimum condition.
25 gram pack of Salvia
Divinorum NEW!! |
£14.99 |
100 gram pack of Salvia
Divinorum |
£49 |
70 USD |
500 gram pack of Salvia
Divinorum |
£200 |
280 USD |
1 kilo pack of Salvia
Divinorum |
£300 |
420 USD |
Alternative names: Hoyas de la Pastora
Hoyas de la Maria Pastora
Ska Maria
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