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Sexual Mood Stimulator is an all-natural formulation that increases serotonin levels, which elevates mood toward sexual activity. It helps eliminate nervous tension and anxiety and can create sexual stimulation.
Sexual Mood Pills
• Increases serotonin levels
• Elevates mood
• Eliminate nervous tension
• Increases sexual stimulation
• Creates a relaxed mood
for a tub of 60 tablets
Ingredients and Overview of SEXUAL MOOD stimulator for men and women
St. John's Wort has been proven in numerous studies to be a natural mood elevator, which can relieve pain, nervous tension, and anxiety. Feeling uncomfortable, anxious, irritable, and hyper can all be a hindrance to not only good sexual performance, but also even the desire to have sex. St. John's Wort can help correct all these imbalances by increasing Serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a major neurotransmitter in the brain which when deficient can cause emotional upset, mood swings, and a inability to "feel romantic". Adequate Serotonin leads to relaxation, a sense of contentment, and emotional calm. A proper frame of mind is more conducive to the desire and enjoyment of sex.
Golu Kola is an Indian herb, which is considered indispensable for good mental health, clarity, and focus. It is utilized to improve meditation because of its healing and balancing effects on the brain. Gotu Kola relieves mental tension, reduces anxiety, and improves attention. While St. John's Wort is mentally and emotionally uplifting, Gotu Kola increases focus and sharpness of the mind, an essential ingredient to the enjoyment of sex. Being tuned into the other person leads to better satisfaction for both, and Gotu Kola enhances this process.
B-Complex is vital for energy and nerve function and any lack will cause lessened sexual function. The various B vitamins are needed for emotional health, brain function, and cognitive abilities. Having adequate levels of these nutrients allows a person to enjoy feeling of arousal, excitement, and desire. B-Complex are involved in hormone and neurotransmitter production, both of which are essential to normal feelings of sexual desire and adequacy. A lack of any of these vitamins can lead to poor sexual health and diminished sexual feeling.
Senega Snakeroot is commonly used in China to promote positive feelings and calm and is considered a heart and mind remedy. It is able to combat anxiety, mental instability, and restlessness, all stumbling blocks to enjoyable sex. By opening a person's mind and clearing tension, Senega greatly enhances the ability to desire and enjoy sexual relations. The same benefits can be found because of Senega's ability to energize the heart. Senega is probably one of the best herbs for recreating a positive mental attitude.
Passion Flower is as the name states, an herb which enhances passion by relieving tension, anxiety, nervousness, and muscular discomfort. It also helps relieve pain and spasms. Passion Flower may get its name because it has a very mild hypnotic affect and can help ease mental barriers and increase focus. This naturally leads to better sexual function and enjoyment.
for a tub of 60 tablets
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