Salvia Divinorum Homepage
Salvia Divinorum Description and History:
Salvia Divinorum although still not widely known about has been steadily growing in popularity over the last few years. Native to Oaxaca, Mexico, Salvia Divinorum has been used there for centuries by the local shaman for healing patients and spiritual ceremonies. Today, people are discovering Salvia Divinorum as a powerful tool for meditation and the exploration of consciousness. Salvia divinorum has always been a well-kept secret in the remote villages of Mexico where it is traditionally used. Because of its rarity, it escaped eradication by the Spanish in the 16th and 17th centuries when they tried to eliminate the use of several of the sacred visionary plants. Salvia divinorum is now revealing itself to the world so we may all benefit from the deep insight this plant has to offer. The effects of Salvia divinorum are unlike anything else you have ever experienced. People report traveling to different places and sense of time. A common effect is the sense of communication with spirit worlds. It can produce an out-of-body experience and reveal worlds to you that you never imagined existed.
Before you go off reading everything you can about salvia, know that each and every person has a unique and different experience with salvia divinorum. A lot of it has to do with where you are at and your intentions. Sometimes too much information can create expectations. It is basically pretty simple. Try it if you like and remember that you are dealing with a very powerful plant.
The Botany of Salvia Divinorum
One of the best pages about the scientific part of Salvia Divinorum. Also beautiful pictures.
Where to buy Salvia Divinorum leaves and extract?
The Salvia Divinorum FAQ's
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Salvia Divinorum. Dozens of answers to all kind of questions.
Where to buy Salvia plants and cuttings?
By far the best source for cuttings and plants is Rick. He has good prices.
How to smoke Salvia Divinorum
Detail report of how to recieve effects from salvia by smoking.
Salvia Divinorum Cultivation: The Easy Way
Profound and practical guide on how to grow your own Salvia Divinorum.
Trip Reports
Some exceptional first-hand accounts of Salvia Divinorum experiences.
Is Salvia Divinorum Legal?
Yes it is! Everywhere in the world. Find out more.
1. 100g pack of Salvia will give you several 100
2. Salvia Divinorum is legal to use and own in all
3. Salvia Divinorum will keep its hallucinogenic
properties for decades if kept in an airtight container.
4. A 100g pack of Salvia Divinorum looks like this
5. Our Salvia is grown and packaged in Mexico and
will reach you in optimum condition.
Buy your Salvia
Divinorum in bulk and it will save you money.
25 gram pack of Salvia
Divinorum NEW!! |
£14.99 |
100 gram pack of Salvia
70 USD
500 gram pack of Salvia
280 USD
1 kilo pack of Salvia
420 USD
Alternative names: Hoyas de la Pastora
Hoyas de la Maria Pastora
Ska Maria