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Salvia Divinorum Smoking Tobacco
New Mexican herbal hallucinogenic smoking tobacco
Salvia is a renowned Mexican herb that gives short, intense, bouncy
hallucinogenic effects.
Salvia Divinorum should be smoked pure, ideally in a pipe or a bong but may
also be rolled. 2-3 inhalations held for 10 seconds is normally sufficient for a
truly psychedelic effect.
Dryed Salvia Divinorum Smoking Tobacco
New Mexican herbal hallucinogenic smoking tobacco
Buy your dried
Divinorum in bulk and it will save you
25 gram pack of
Divinorum NEW!!
100 gram pack of
70 USD
500 gram pack of Salvia
280 USD
1 kilo pack of Salvia
420 USD
Algerian Blend is a mixture of 6 different psychoactive herbs, soaked in
the resin of renowned sedative herbs.
This produces
a smooth and even burning smoke, which is probably the strongest legal
smoking mix available.
Comes in bags
weighing approx. 9g
Algerian Blend
What Herbs is it made of?
Damiana, Skullcap, Wormwood, Wild Opium Lettuce, Passion Flower, Valarian,
soaked in Valarian and Wild Opium Lettuce extracts.
What is an Algerian
Blend smoke like?
It is a bit like home grown leaf in terms of strength. It is reasonably
pleasant to taste, and if smoked in large amounts it will give an Opium
like high - mellow and relaxing. It is also reputed to enhance dreaming.
How many do you
need to smoke?
There is an immediate effect, even from a small quantity, however for a
stronger effect more will need to be smoked. In a similar way to Cannabis
the effects wear off after a short time, however the high can be
maintained by continued smoking.
What is the best
way to smoke it?
Mixed with tobacco (50:50) and smoked in a pipe or rolled in a smoking
paper. It can also be brewed in hot water as a sedatory herbal tea.
The following are a few
choice quotes from people who have tried Algerian Blend:
"The smell was encouraging and it has an immediate mellowing
effect." (JP)
Salvia Divinorum
6X The ultimate halluinogenic experience
Each pack contains enough for between 10 and
20 'trips' |
Effects: Salvia trips range in intensity from subtle, mild cannabis like high to extremely
powerful (loss of tactile and motor functions and identity)
Activity: Short acting. When smoked the effects come on very quickly: in less than a minute
and usually lasts 10-30 minutes, with after effects lingering for about one hour. When chewed,
effects last about 1 hour and linger for about 30 minutes to one hour.
Toxicity: Unknown. No known or reported instances of injury or death.
Addictiveness: Non-habituating
Detectability: Not detectable on any current drug tests.
The strength of the trip will depend on how much you take, the way you take it and your body
's own chemistry.
Salvia trips differ from those produced by other visionary drugs or herbs and Salvia has many
Salvia is legal
Salvia is not habit forming
Salvia seldom produces adverse side-effects or hangover
Salvia is fun and it's "bouncy" effects are unlike anything else you will have
You cannot take a fatal overdose of Salvia leaves
It's effects are brief and within an hour or so (usually much less) the tripper will be back
to normal. It's very reassuring to hold onto this knowledge if things get messy!!
A recent issue of The Entheogen Review reports on one
person's journey following the smoking
of two dried Salvia Divinorum leaves, consumed in two large hits from a water pipe:
l felt like and saw myself as a tree. Branches began growing out of my body, filling up the room, and I felt
and saw my roots growing all over the floor and out beneath the door. At this point I could no longer
remember if I had smoked anything, or if my mind had flipped on me. My room had turned into artwork from
'Where the Wild Things are' a kid's book. The room was a garden of geometric twines and leaves from my own body. Someone was pushing a
wheelbarrow along one of my vines while smiling at me. TOE corp. Salvia is a truly unique visionary herb and when treated with respect can reward you and guide you
towards greater self-knowledge and harmony. Take it easy, expand your mind and let it take you to places you may never knew existed. Enjoy.
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