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Name: Salvia Divinorum (aka. Yerba de Maria ("Herb of
Mana"), hojas de Ia
Pastora ("leaves of the Shepherdess'), Hierba de Ia Virgen, Ska Maria Pastora ("Herb of the
virgin') and most commonly, simply "Salvia". Also commonly known as "Diviners Sage
". Environment: Grows in high altitude regions of Mexico's Sierra Mazateca region in
Buy your Salvia in bulk and it will save you
1. 100g pack of Salvia will give you several 100
2. Salvia Divinorum is legal to use and own in all
3. Salvia Divinorum will keep its hallucinogenic
properties for decades if kept in an airtight container.
4. A 100g pack of Salvia Divinorum looks like this
5. Our Salvia is grown and packaged in Mexico and
will reach you in optimum condition.
25 gram pack of Salvia
Divinorum NEW!! |
£14.99 |
100 gram pack of Salvia
Divinorum |
£49 |
70 USD |
500 gram pack of Salvia
Divinorum |
£200 |
280 USD |
1 kilo pack of Salvia
Divinorum |
£300 |
420 USD |
Type: Hallucinogen
Effects: Salvia trips range in intensity from subtle, mild cannabis like high to extremely
powerful (loss of tactile and motor functions and identity)
Method of Ingestion:
Traditional: Chewed and absorbed through oral mucosa.
Modern: Smoked dried leaf or extract applied to dry leaf. Fresh or dried leaves can be chewed
in the form of a 'quid'
How it works in the brain: Known to contain the psychoactive diterpenes salvinorum A (at
96%) and salvinorum B (at 4%)
Salvia is neither a stimulant, a sedative, a narcotic, nor a tranquilizer.
Like other psychedelics it can induce visions. But it differs from so called classical
psychedelics' (LSD, psilocybin and mesculine) in many ways.
No one really knows how it works but we do know that it works differently to any other known
Activity: Short acting. When smoked the effects come on very quickly: in less than a minute
and usually lasts 10-30 minutes, with after effects lingering for about one hour. When chewed,
effects last about 1 hour and linger for about 30 minutes to one hour.
Toxicity: Unknown. No known or reported instances of injury or death.
Addictiveness: Non-habituating
Detectability: Not detectable on any current drug tests.
Salvia Divinorum is a species of sage from the mm family. It has been used for centuries as
both a curative and as an aid to attaining epic 'mind altering' states by Mazatec Indians
living in the mountainous regions in the northeastern corner of the Mexican state of Qaxaca.
In Spanish these specialized shamanic healers are referred to as curanderos'. In Mazatec
these people are called cho-ta-ci-ne ("one who knows"). The Mazatecs regard the plant as
holy and take special care not to trample or destroy the plant when they cut it from the wild,
even kneeling to pray to it beforehand. Salvia Divinorum is primarily used in situations where
curanderos feel it necessary to travel into the supernatural world in order to discover the true
cause of the patient's ailment.
According to the Salvia Divinorum Users Guide:
Salvia trips seem to occur in levels. The so-called
S-A-L-V-l-A scale has been constructed to rate trips.
Each letter of the word SALVIA stands for another level
of tripping.
Level 1 97 "5" stands for SUBTLE effects. A feeling that "something" is happening,
although it is difficult to say what. Relaxation and increased sensual appreciation may be
noted. This level is useful for meditation and may facilitate sexual pleasure.
Level 2 97 "A" stands for ALTERED perception. Colours and textures are more pronounced.
Appreciation of music maybe enhanced. Space may appear of greater or lesser depth than
usual. Thinking becomes less logical and more playful, there maybe some short term memory
Level 3 97 "L" stands for LIGHT visionary state. Closed eye visuals (clear imagery with eyes
closed: fractal patterns, vine like and geometric patterns, often two-dimensional)
Level 4 97 "V" stands for VIVID visionary state. Complex 3D realistic appearing scenes
occur. With eyes open, reality will not be entirely lost but when you close your eyes you may
forget about consensus reality and enter completely into a dreamlike scene. Shamanistic
journeying to other lands 97 foreign and imaginary; encounters with beings or travels to other
ages may occur. This is the 'Dream Time'
Level 597 "I" stands for IMMATERIAL existence. At this level one may no longer be
aware of having a body, one becomes completely involved in inner experience and all contact
with consensual reality has gone. Identity is lost and many people have experienced bizarre
fusions such as merging with a wall or a piece of furniture. For this reason a sitter is essential
to ensure the safety of someone voyaging to these deep levels. To the person experiencing this
the phenomenon may be terrifying or exceedingly pleasant; but to an outside observer the
individual may appear confused or disoriented.
Normal;TxBr_p0;TxBr_p1;TxBr_p2;TxBr_p3;Level 6 97 "A" stands for ANESTHESIA. This only occurs when you
have taken a dose far too high. Consciousness is lost for up to several minutes. The individual
may fall, or remain immobile or trash around. Injuries can be sustained without pain being
felt; on awakening, the individual will have no recollection of what he/she did, experienced or
said. This is NOT a desirable level and is in no way recommended.
The visions seen with Salvia seem particularly real and convincing. Quite often people accept
these visions as reality and forget they are under the influence of a psychedelic substance. At
higher dosages many believe that they have died and have lost their link to the living world.
The strength of the trip will depend on how much you take, the way you take it and your body
's own chemistry.
Salvia trips differ from those produced by other visionary drugs or herbs and Salvia has many
Salvia is legal
Salvia is not habit forming
Salvia seldom produces adverse side-effects or hangover
Salvia is fun and it's "bouncy" effects are unlike anything else you will have
You cannot take a fatal overdose of Salvia leaves
It's effects are brief and within an hour or so (usually much less) the tripper will be back
to normal. It's very reassuring to hold onto this knowledge if things get messy!!
Salvia should be smoked pure, ideally in a short-stemmed tobacco pipe or a bong. Mild effects
can be achieved if it is rolled but generally this is not recommended.
A water-cooled smoking device (a water pipe, or bong) makes it much easier to inhale large
quantities of smoke. Because the smoke is cooled, it can be inhaled more comfortably without
4 to 6 large inhalations is normally sufficient when smoking dry cured leaf (this can be
consumed within two pipe/bong 'bowl' fulls)
Each one should be inhaled slowly and deeply, then held for 10 - 30 seconds before exhaling. It
is very important to retain each inhalation of smoke deeply in the lungs long enough for it to
be absorbed efficiently.
Try not to pause between inhalations. If the dose is smoked too slowly, it will be metabolized
faster than it is ingested.
Many people report that by using a 'micro-torch' lighter they achieve better results. These
produce a very hot torch-like flame that causes rapid combustion of the smoking material and
hence produces more concentrated smoke (it is important to use them in conjunction with a water-cooled smoking device
because of the extra heat generated)
More care should be taken when smoking an Extract and a sitter should be present at ALL times.
We have chosen to stock a 6X extract (this basically means it is about six times as strong as
untreated leaves) The dose required may be quite small, less than 100mg of 6X is normally
Common Sense Guidelines:
Begin with doses below those suggested. If there are no undesirable side effects, you can increase
the dosages until you attain the high you desire.
DO NOT TAKE if you suffer from any adverse heart condition, or if you are using any MAO
inhibiting medicines. As a safer, but more general recommendation you should not take these if
you are suffering any diagnosed medical condition, or if you are taking any medicines, without
first consulting your medical practitioner.
Use in moderation and when possible have a sitter
(someone straight) with you 97 especially when using an
A recent issue of The Entheogen Review reports on one person's journey following the smoking
of two dried Salvia Divinorum leaves, consumed in two large hits from a water pipe:
l felt like and saw myself as a tree. Branches began growing out of my body, filling up the room, and I felt
and saw my roots growing all over the floor and out beneath the door. At this point I could no longer
remember if I had smoked anything, or if
my mind had flipped on me. My room had turned into artwork from Where the Wild Things
are' a kid's
book. The room was a garden of geometric twines and leaves from my own body. Someone was pushing a
wheelbarrow along one of my vines
while smiling at me." TOE corp.
Salvia is a truly unique visionary herb and when treated with respect can reward you and guide you
towards greater self-knowledge and harmony.
Take it easy, expand your mind and let it take you to places you may never knew existed. Enjoy.
Each pack contains enough for between 10 and 20

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